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(BIS) 德佛札克 第8號交響曲 交響詩(金紡車) 詼諧風綺想曲 Dvorak SACD1976 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 德佛札克 第8號交響曲 交響詩(金紡車) 詼諧風綺想曲 Dvorak SACD1976 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2012 國際條碼: 7318599919768 音樂廠牌: BIS Claus Peter Flor, conductor 克勞斯.彼德.弗洛爾, 指揮 Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra 馬來西亞愛樂管弦樂團 憑藉著第七號交響曲的成功,德佛札克向評論和聽眾證明,自己絕對有能力寫出令人敬佩的交響曲。四年之後,德佛札克開始構思下一部作品時,顯然想重回他習慣的作曲模式,與第七號的莊嚴肅穆相比(德佛札克一度想幫樂曲命名為「悲劇」),在作曲家內心紮根甚深的,還是自己深愛的捷克民謠素材,以此為底勾勒出第八號的明亮輕快色彩。 從形式上來看,或許也是他熟成期交響曲中最自由不拘的作品,有趣的是,馬勒的第一號交響曲首演時間在德佛札克剛完成作品不多久,兩人作品都模擬了自然的聲響,田園風的主題以及強調式的號角聲響,也都使用了葬禮進行曲和讚美詩。 金紡車是根據捷克詩人卡瑞爾.艾爾本的詩作完成的交響詩,音樂雖然戲劇起伏性極佳,但故事本身卻有點兒童不宜。內容大意是可憐女主角被壞心後母殺害肢解,恰巧發現部份遺體的仁慈魔法師以金紡車換來其餘殘骸,讓女主角復活,最後結局當然是王子公主有情人終成眷屬。 最後一首聽來輕鬆雀躍的詼諧風綺想曲,卻是來自德佛札克自1882年喪母後人生中最灰暗的時期。似乎想藉著音樂上反差的情緒將自己內心的悲傷一掃而盡。 克勞斯.彼德.弗洛爾與馬來西亞愛樂今年三月甫推出第七號錄音,並獲得Classics Today France的10/10(藝術性∕音響性)滿分推薦。樂團的主要贊助者為馬來西亞石油公司,團員來自世界各地好手,曾於2007年應邀來台演出,細膩穩健的團風,整齊劃一的聲響的確令人記憶猶新,期望台灣樂團能藉由他山之石將自己推向更寬廣的國際舞台。 With his Seventh Symphony, Dvorak had proved that he could compose a 'respectable' symphony (as he himself termed it), and had done so to both critical and public acclaim. Four years later, when he began to work on its successor, he apparently felt free to return to a more familiar idiom, and after the serious Seventh – which Dvorak at one stage had considered giving the nickname 'Tragic' – Symphony No.8 was a lighter work, with its roots firmly planted in the composer's beloved Czech folk­lore. It is probably the freest of his mature symphonies from a formal point of view, and has interesting parallels with Mahler's First Symphony, which was premiered shortly after Dvorak had completed his own work. Imitations of the sounds of nature, pas­toral subjects and fanfares feature in both symphonies, and both evoke a funeral march and a chorale. The work is here coupled with the symphonic poem The Golden Spinning Wheel, based on an epic poem by the Czech poet Karel Erben. Complete with a wicked stepmother, a dismembering and a magic spinning wheel of gold, this rather cruel fairy-tale is followed by the shorter Scherzo capriccioso. This consistently light-hearted piece was actually composed during one of the darkest periods of Dvorak's life following the death of his mother in 1882. All of the other works written at this time – including Symphony No.7 – are characterized by a dark, even tragic mood and it is as if Dvorak in this Scherzo felt the need to once again express unrestrained joy. Claus Peter Flor and the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra have just released their performance of Symphony No.7 – a recording which has received top marks ('10/10') on the website Classics Today France, whose reviewer described it as 'a striking disc' offering 'a revitalized vision of these major orchestral works'. Symphony No. 8 in G major, Op. 88 36'50 1) I. Allegro con brio 10'10 2) II. Adagio 10'32 3) III. Allegretto grazioso – Molto vivace 5'52 4) IV. Allegro ma non troppo 10'00 5) Zlat'y kolovrat, Op. 109 27'02 (The Golden Spinning Wheel) 6) Scherzo capriccioso, Op. 66 14'36 TT: 79'28






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