韋瓦第 四季 科奴諾娃 Conunova Vivaldi Le Quattro Stagioni AP242 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2020 國際條碼: 5051083163811 音樂廠牌: Aparte 韋瓦第:小提琴協奏曲(四季) 亞莉珊卓.科奴諾娃 小提琴 (2015年柴可夫斯基音樂大賽小提琴組第三名) 亞莉珊卓.科奴諾娃(Alexandra Conunova)召集一個室內管弦樂團一起詮釋一個令人興奮的韋瓦第大師級作品. 一件在世界各地最常被演奏, 讚美大自然的力量的作品, 是這高度敏感和富有想像力的錄音專輯強調的一點. 韋瓦第將大自然全部的力量放入這最常被演奏的音樂中, 讓我們以人類狀態團結在一起. 亞莉珊卓.科奴諾娃是2015年柴可夫斯基音樂大賽小提琴組第三名(曾宇謙得第二名那年), 她集合一個室內管弦樂團一起分享一個令人興奮的這個作品的版本, 慶祝能夠再次一起合奏的樂趣. 是否有人會覺得可能會對如此一個傑作感到乏味? 當然不會! Alexandra Conunova gathers a chamber orchestra for a thrilling interpretation of Vivaldi's masterpiece. One of the most performed around the world, this work celebrates the power of nature, which this highly sensitive and imaginative recording underlines. Vivaldi put the whole force of nature into this music, one of the most performed around the world, uniting us in our human condition. Alexandra Conunova, prize-winner of the International Tchaikovsky Competition in 2015, gathers a chamber orchestra to share a thrilling version of this work, celebrating the joy of playing together again. Is it possible to get tired of such a masterpiece? Definitely not. 1-3. Concerto in F minor, op.8, no.3, RV 293, "Fall" I. Allegro II. Adagio molto III. La caccia. Allegro 4-6. Concerto in F minor, op.8, no.4, RV 297, "Winter" I. Allegro non molto II. Largo III. Allegro 7-9. Concerto in E major, op.8, no.1, RV 269, "Spring" I. Allegro II. Largo III. Danza pastorale. Allegro 10-12. Concerto in G minor, op.8, no.2, RV 315, "Summer" I. Allegro non molto II. Adagio III. Presto