專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2018 國際條碼: 0034571282299 音樂廠牌: hyperion 浪漫鋼琴協奏曲77 波恩薩特/烏許波: 鋼琴協奏曲 尤金·齊根 指揮 BBC蘇格蘭交響樂團 德斯派士 鋼琴 The common thread—as so often in The Romantic Piano Concerto series—is Liszt, in whose Weimar circle both composer-pianists featured here moved. Both concertos are pleasingly substantial, and the typically demanding piano writing is powerfully dispatched by Emmanuel Despax. HANS BRONSART Piano Concerto in F sharp minor Op 10 [30'21] 1 Allegro maestoso [14'55] 2 Adagio ma non troppo [7'54] 3 Allegro con fuoco [7'32] ANTON URSPRUCH Piano Concerto in E flat major Op 9 [45'01] 4 Allegro ma non troppo [24'10] 5 Andante, lento e mesto [7'25] 6 Allegro, tempo giusto [13'26]