浪漫鋼琴協奏曲61 杜勒 德萊修克 薛利 Romantic Piano Shelley Dohler CDA67950 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 0034571179506 音樂廠牌: hyperion 浪漫鋼琴協奏曲系列已經邁入第61集,持續不斷的探索19世紀無人知曉的深處,試圖挖掘更多浪漫年代的未知美好一直是本系列的宗旨。因而你會看到許多幾乎不曾聽聞的作曲家,經由當前的鋼琴名家為我們重現這些作品的價值,令我們能在泛濫的已知曲目當中有其他的選擇。德國作曲家杜勒的A大調協奏曲和德萊修克的向維也納致敬兩曲皆是首次錄音,意義非凡。兩人都是作曲家兼鋼琴家,活躍於同時代而且都以神童之姿崛起,並且在當時各自稱霸一片天。不過現實是殘酷的,就如同本系列多數作曲家的命運,如今的樂迷幾乎沒人知道他們的來歷。 杜勒的鋼琴協奏曲可以說具備所有引人注目的娛樂特質,用華麗絢爛的裝飾包裝著繁複的技巧宛若一道令人愉悅的經典甜食,但是這種走鋼索般的驚險和喝采當然也考驗獨奏家的技巧,想要吸引注意沒有點本事還是不要勉強。德萊修克的音樂會小品獻給倫敦愛樂協會,樂曲一開頭便散發出宛若貝多芬的慷慨激昂氣勢,中間也有不少橋段的確暗示著貝多芬的作品像是知名的熱情奏鳴曲等等。向維也納致敬就是一首會讓人心情愉悅放鬆到底,卻又能有效引起你聽覺的最佳典範。這三首被人遺忘的作品透過霍華.薛利的超高技巧和自成一格的藝術性,彷彿從黑暗角落再次轉生回到我們面前,塔斯馬尼亞交響樂團與薛利在本系列曾合作多張膾炙人口的專輯,自然無須擔心會有指揮與樂團格格不入或是默契不夠的窘境,只需放下對未知作曲家成見,就能重新感受到百分百的浪漫氛圍。 The Romantic Piano Concerto series reaches Volume 61, and continues to probe into the obscurest depths of the nineteenth-century piano world. Dohler,s Piano Concerto in A major and Dreyschock,s Salut A Vienne are both first recordings. The two composer-pianists were contemporaries, both child prodigies and both hugely admired in their day. Today their names are not even faintly familiar to concert-goers. Dohler,s Concerto is pure entertainment: a lavishly ornamented virtuoso confection that requires a high-wire act from the soloist from start to finish. Dreyschock,s Morceau de concert, Op 27, is dedicated to the Philharmonic Society of London. It opens with a Beethovenian declamation—and indeed throughout the piece there are allusions to several Beethoven works, notably the 'Appassionata, Sonata. Salut A Vienne is a lighthearted but highly effective showpiece. These all-but-forgotten works live again through the stylish artistry and technical brilliance of Howard Shelley, who is both soloist and conductor of his long-term collaborators, the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra. 1. I. maestoso 2. II. adagio 3. III. allegretto 4. Morceau de concert in c minor, op. 27 5. I. introduzione - tempo di marcia - 6. II. rondo: allegro con moto