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精湛技藝 辛柯夫斯基 指揮 小提琴 Sinkovsky Virtuosissimo OP30576 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

精湛技藝 辛柯夫斯基 指揮 小提琴 Sinkovsky Virtuosissimo OP30576 規格

精湛技藝 辛柯夫斯基 指揮 小提琴 Sinkovsky Virtuosissimo OP30576 最新價格

精湛技藝 辛柯夫斯基 指揮 小提琴 Sinkovsky Virtuosissimo OP30576 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

精湛技藝 辛柯夫斯基 指揮 小提琴 Sinkovsky Virtuosissimo OP30576 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 0709861305766 音樂廠牌: naive 精湛技藝 (羅卡泰利/塔替尼/雷克萊/泰勒曼等巴洛克作曲家作品) 德米特里.辛柯夫斯基 指揮/小提琴 金蘋果樂團 這張的卓越是名符其實的: 德米特里.辛柯夫斯基是一位耀眼多才多藝的音樂家 – 他是一位卓越的小提琴家, 假聲男高音, 指揮家和在2011年成立的樂器之聲合奏團(ensemble La Voce Strumentale)的創辦人. 在這張(精湛技藝)中, 是他在naïve廠牌的第五張專輯, 再次的和多次音樂會與錄音合作過的金蘋果樂團合夥一起探索著名的德勒斯登宮廷樂團首席小提琴家兼作曲家皮森戴爾(Pisendel) (他是韋瓦第的擁護者, 曾經將這位威尼斯大師的一些協奏曲帶到德勒斯登表演). (精湛技藝)是一張在音樂歷史中一個影響重大時刻的縮影. 辛柯夫斯基藉由這張專輯涵蓋了被韋瓦第和皮森戴爾所影響的作曲家們, 他演奏羅卡泰利/塔替尼/雷克萊/泰勒曼等人的作品, 這些人都是在18世紀早期以專注於獨奏技巧, 高度富麗堂皇的個人作品豐富了小提琴曲目的作曲家. 一個世紀之後, 帕格尼尼繼承了此巴洛克傳統. 這專輯的五首協奏曲啟動了辛柯夫斯基展現高度技巧: 與樂團火熱的互動, 精心設計的節奏, 華麗的諧音, 令人意外的琴弓表現, 升調邊緣起音(sharp-edge attack), 困難的雙音,… 他似乎被一種不會熄滅的火焰驅動著, 完全體現這五首協奏曲的精華, 這種扣人心弦的結果真的是(精湛技藝). Dmitry Sinkovsky The superlative is well deserved: Dimitry Sinkovsky is a dazzlingly multi-talented artist – a brilliant violinist, countertenor, conductor, and founder in 2011 of the ensemble La Voce Strumentale. In Virtuosissimo, his fifth venture with Naïve, he has teamed up again with the ensemble Il Pomo d'Oro, his partners in numerous recordings and concerts, to cast more light on Pisendel, a celebrated violinist and composer who led the prestigious Dresden Court Orchestra, and a Vival-di devotee who copied out several of the Venetian master's concertos for performance in Dresden. Virtuosissimo is a photography of an influential moment in music history. With this new album, Dmitry Sinkovsky goes beyond Vivaldi and his influences: as well as Pisendel, he plays works by Locatelli, Tartini, Leclair and Telemann, all of whom enriched the early 18th-century violin repertoire with opulent, highly personal works focusing on soloistic bravura. A century later, Paganini was to draw on this baroque heritage. All the concertos here have inspired high-wire performances to Dmitry Sinkovsky: fiery exchanges with the orchestra, cunningly crafted cadences, vertiginous harmonics, startlingly unexpected bowing, sharp-edged attacks, daunting double-stopping… Sinkovsky seems to completely embody these five concertos, as if propelled by an inextinguishable flame: the electrifying result is truly 'virtuosissimo'. virtuosissimo pietro antonio locatelli 1695-1764 concerto no.1 in d major | L'arte del violino op.3 1 Allegro – Capriccio 5'50 2 Largo 4'59 3 Allegro – Capriccio 7'16 johann georg pisendel 1688-1755 concerto in g minor junp I.1 4 Largo e staccato 1'25 5 Allegro 3'46 6 Largo 3'56 7 Allegro 3'36 jean-marie leclair 1697-1764 concerto in d major op.7 no.2 8 Adagio 1'24 9 Allegro ma non troppo 5'18 10 Adagio 4'28 11 Allegro 5'27 giuseppe tartini 1692-1770 concerto in a minor 'a lunardo venier' d 115 12 Andante cantabile – Allegro assai 4'57 13 Andante cantabile 7'22 14 Presto 3'36 georg philipp telemann 1681-1767 concerto in b flat major twv 51:b1 15 Largo 3'34 16 Vivace 3'27 17 Sempre piano 3'34 18 Allegro 3'22

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