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馬勒 第一號交響曲 凡斯卡 Vanska Mahler Symphony No 1 SACD2346 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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馬勒 第一號交響曲 凡斯卡 Vanska Mahler Symphony No 1 SACD2346 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2019 國際條碼: 7318599923468 音樂廠牌: BIS 歐斯莫.凡斯卡 指揮 明尼蘇達管弦樂團 在馬勒的第一號交響曲開頭閃耀的弦樂和弦讓人想到持續的春天氣息, 而且向第一批聽眾示意一個新的交響樂時代被引導入場. 接下來, 馬勒導入一些他的音樂語言中的關鍵部份: 大自然的聲音(布穀鳥叫聲)結合類似軍隊開場音樂和’高級藝術’的半音音階徘迴在大提琴之間, 如同在說明馬勒對交響樂的看法是一種包羅萬象的藝術形式. 這首馬勒原來給個副標題(巨人)的交響曲, 大量引用了聯篇歌曲(流浪青年之歌). 但馬勒也在第二樂章中結合了莫拉維亞(Moravian)流行音樂和在較緩慢的第三樂章中出名的引用了小調版本的童謠(德文: Bruder Martin, 馬丁兄弟,法文: Frère Jacques 傑克兄弟, 中文: 兩隻老虎). 結尾的部份帶領聽眾到哥德式戲劇的世界, 在出現之前, 經過幾次的假裝開唱, 然後以英雄式合唱般的結束, 讓人連想到大型歌劇. 這首’世界縮影’的交響曲是由歐斯莫.凡斯卡指揮的明尼蘇達管弦樂團演奏的馬勒交響曲系列中的第四張, 在Allmusic網站(上獲得’最佳評價指數’之一的馬勒音樂. Minnesota Orchestra Osmo Vanska The shimmering string harmonics at the opening of Gustav Mahler's First Symphony bring to mind the suspended breath of spring, and will have signalled even to the very first audiences that a new symphonic era was being ushered in. Soon enough the composer introduces some of the elements that would become key components of his musical language: sounds of nature (here cuckoo calls) are combined with quasi-militaristic fanfares and 'high-art' chromatic wanderings in cellos, as if to illustrate Mahler's view of the symphony as an all-embracing art form. The symphony, which the composer originally gave the subtitle 'Titan', borrows extensively from the song cycle Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen. But Mahler also incorporates elements of Moravian popular music (in the second movement) and – in the slow third movement – famously quotes a minor-mode version of the children's rhyme Bruder Martin (also known as Frère Jacques). The finale transports the listener to a world of Gothic theatricality reminiscent of Grand Opera, before arriving – after a number of false starts – at the symphony's heroic chorale-like ending. This symphonic 'world-in-microcosm' is here brought to life by the Minnesota Orchestra and Osmo Vanska on the fourth instalment in a series which has earned the team the description 'among the finest exponents of Mahler's music' on the website Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 1 in D major 56'43 01 I. Langsam. Schleppend. - Immer sehr gemachlich 16'14 02 II. Kraftig bewegt, doch nicht zu schnell 7'37 03 III. Feierlich und gemessen, ohne zu schleppen 11'24 04 IV. Sturmisch bewegt 21'28 Album total 56'45

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