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馬勒 第10號交響曲 凡斯卡 Mahler Symphony No 10 SACD2396 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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馬勒 第10號交響曲 凡斯卡 Mahler Symphony No 10 SACD2396 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

馬勒 第10號交響曲 凡斯卡 Mahler Symphony No 10 SACD2396 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2021 國際條碼: 7318599923963 音樂廠牌: BIS 馬勒: 升F大調第10號交響曲 (未完成之作) 歐斯莫.凡斯卡 指揮 明尼蘇達管弦樂團 馬勒第十號交響曲是在作曲家過世後尚未完成的作品, 對音樂學家和音樂家有巨大的魅力 – 像一個二十世紀中音樂界的聖杯(Holy Grail). 該作品被認為是非常私人的作品, 起初是向沒沒無聞的人致敬, 但經過多年後, 作曲家的遺孀艾瑪(Alma Mahler)發表越來越多的馬勒草稿, 然後漸漸變得明朗化, 他事實上在簡短的樂譜中遺留下一整件五個樂章的交響曲(寫在三,四頁五線譜上). 其中有一半已經達到可樂團編排演練程度, 其餘的含有樂器配器計畫的指示. 許多年之後, 有幾個不同的, 補完整或演奏的'第十號'交響曲版本已經發表問世. 這其中之一是最常被表演與錄製的是庫克(Deryck Cooke)寫的版本. 庫克堅持他的版本不是一件'補完整'的作品, 而是實用的呈現馬勒留下的素材. 指揮歐斯莫.凡斯卡與明尼蘇達交響樂團在他們的第七張馬勒錄音系列選用庫克的交響曲演奏版, 一組特徵是一種少見的透明度和清澈的聲音與音樂概念的錄音系列. Left unfinished at the death of the composer, Gustav Mahler's Tenth Symphony has exerted an enormous fascination on musicologists as well as musicians – a kind of Holy Grail of 20th-century music. Recognized as an intensely personal work, it was initially consigned to respectful oblivion, but over the years, Alma Mahler, the composer's widow, released more and more of Mahler's sketches for publication, and gradually it became clear that he had in fact bequeathed an entire five-movement symphony in short score (i.e. written on three or four staves). Of this, nearly half had reached the stage of a draft orchestration, while the rest contained indications of the intended instrumentation. Over the years a number of different completions or performing versions of 'the Tenth' have seen the light of day. One of the most often performed and recorded of these is that by Deryck Cooke. Cooke himself insisted that his edition was not a 'completion' of the work, but rather a functional presentation of the materials as Mahler left them. Cooke's performing version of the symphony is the one that Osmo Vanska has chosen to use for the seventh instalment in his and the Minnesota Orchestra's Mahler series, a cycle characterized by an unusual transparency and clarity of sound as well as musical conception. Gustav Mahler (1860—1911) Symphony No. 10 in F sharp major (1910) Performing version by Deryck Cooke (1976) (3rd Edition 1989) 1 ) I. Adagio. Andante — Adagio 26'21 2 ) II. Scherzo. Schnelle Viertel 11'27 3 ) III. Purgatorio. Allegretto moderato 4'14 4 ) IV. [Scherzo]. Allegro pesante. Nicht zu schnell — attacca — 11'50 5 ) V. Finale. Langsam, schwer — Allegro moderato 23'140 TT: 78'20 Minnesota Orchestra Osmo Vanska conductor

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