拉赫曼尼諾夫 晚禱 羅伯蕭 Rachmaninoff Vespos Robert Shaw 80172 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
拉赫曼尼諾夫 晚禱 羅伯蕭 Rachmaninoff Vespos Robert Shaw 80172 描述
專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2007 國際條碼: 0089408017223 音樂廠牌: Telarc 宗教音樂在拉赫曼尼諾夫-生中,有著巨大的影響,在許多作品中,均可感受到他對宗教音樂的喜愛,他真正開始寫宗教合唱曲是在1890年,而1915年所完成的(晚禱》則是他最後也是最了不起的禮拜儀式音樂。而這首作品也是拉氏希望用在自己的葬禮上的音樂。(晚禱》是俄國僧侶在聖誕夜所舉行的整夜禮拜時所用的音樂,拉氏在這首作品中,有許多段落均選用了古早的茲納米尼聖樂,這是-種十五世紀以前的俄國傳統單音宗教音樂;也取用了十七世紀的俄國教會所謂的希臘聖樂及傳統的基輔聖樂等。全曲不但呈現出拉氏對宗教的虔敬,也表達出他個人創作上的天賦。無伴奏的人聲演唱,在羅勃‧蕭的指揮下,全然展現拉氏的虔敬與恢宏氣度。 1. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Priidite, Poklonimsya - Come, Let Us Worship 2:59 2. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Blagoslovi, Dushe Moya - Bless The Lord, O My Soul 6:13 3. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Blazhen Muzh - Blessed Be The Man 6:15 4. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Svete Tikhyi - O Serene Light 4:18 5. Rachmaninoff: Nyne Otpushchayeshi (Now let Thy Servant Depart) from Vespers 4:05 6. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Bogoroditsye Devo, Raduisya - Rejoice, O Virgin 3:08 7. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Slava V Vyshnikh Bogu - Glory To God in the Highest 2:35 8. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Khvalite Imya Gospodne - Praise the Name of the Lord 3:28 9. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Blagosloven Yesi, Gospodi - Blessed Art Thou, O Lord 6:26 10. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Voskreseniye Khristovo Videvshe - Having Seen the Resurrection of the Lord 3:38 11. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Velichit Dusha Moya Gospoda - My Soul Magnifies the Lord 7:40 12. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Slava V Vyshnikh Bogu - Glory to God in the Highest 7:53 13. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Dnes Spaseniye Miru Byst - Troparia of the Day of Salvation 1:55 14. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Voskres Iz Groba - Christ is Risen from the Grave - Troparia of the Resurrect 3:12 15. Rachmaninoff: Vespers: Vzbrannoy Voyevode - Thanksgiving to the Mother of God 1:48
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