*庫存少量 可能缺貨 請聊聊詢問確認* 專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2013 國際條碼: 0034571154312 音樂廠牌: Hyperion 拉赫曼尼諾夫:鋼琴三重奏 莫斯科拉赫曼尼諾夫三重奏 拉赫曼尼諾夫的所有室內樂作品全部都來自於他的生涯初期,唯一的例外是大提琴奏鳴曲,這不久前他才剛完成「雙鋼琴第二號組曲」、「第二號鋼琴協奏曲」。這些室內樂除了收錄於本輯的四首之外,也囊括兩首未完成的弦樂四重奏和兩首浪漫曲。拉赫曼尼諾夫早期的室內樂都有相當迷人的色彩,它們陸續於1893年12月前兩年也就是作曲家21歲之前完成,但是這些音樂完全沒有任何生澀感。哀歌三重奏第一號的具體創作原因未明,比較合理的推測是作曲家為參加1892年1月30日一場於莫斯科舉辦的室內音樂會所寫。樂譜直到1947年才出版,並且和第二號同樣取名為「哀歌」,造成多年來許多人總是把兩首搞混,直到近年來第一號三重奏的知名度相對打開才得以扭轉劣勢。1893年10月25日柴可夫斯基去世,拉赫曼尼諾夫當晚得知消息後又是震驚又是失望難過,於是決心提筆創作悼念這位偉大的作曲家前輩,並於12月15日完成「哀歌三重奏第二號」。莫斯科拉赫曼尼諾夫三重奏的團員皆是畢業於莫斯科柴可夫斯基音樂院的高材生,1994年三位成員首次合作演出獲得極大迴響後,奠定他們往後固定合作的信心。穩定敢打著作曲家的名號當作團名,他們對作曲家的音樂內在瞭解自是不在話下,透過他們的演出,能夠發掘出以往聞所未聞更深一層的織體紋理。 With the exception of the Cello Sonata, which was written in 1901 following his Second Suite for two pianos and Second Piano Concerto, all of Rachmaninov's chamber music comes from the earliest part of his career. This body of work comprises the four compositions on this disc, together with two unfinished string quartets and also two Romances. The early completed chamber works of Rachmaninov make a fascinating group. They were composed in the two years up to December 1893. All of this music, therefore, was written before the composer was twenty-one, yet it is wholly characteristic and by no means immature. The Moscow Rachmaninov Trio show great insight into the composer and their performances bring depth to the works. This recording includes Trio Elegiaque No 2 which Rachmaninov started to write on the evening of Tchaikovsky's death on 25 October 1893 and completed on 15 December. Rachmaninov was deeply shocked and distressed at the news of Tchaikovsky's death and the piece was written to the memory of him. 1. Trio ,l,giaque no. 1 in g minor 2. Pr,lude 3. Danse orientale 4. Romance 5. Danses tziganes "danse hongroise" 6. I. moderato 7. II. quasi variazione 8. III. allegro risoluto