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吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408035326 音樂廠牌: Telarc 十九世紀末的英國作曲家蘇利文,為英國繼十七世紀的菩賽爾之後的偉大音樂家,-生創作以舞台音樂最重要,其與幽默劇作家吉伯特的合作,更為音樂史留下了許多成功的喜歌劇作品,本張所錄製的(彭贊斯的海盜》,便是最佳的例證。蘇利文的作品風格屬於(敘事性歌劇),所唱歌曲並不全是自己創作,而大多採用著名的民謠或流行曲調,再搭配上吉伯特引人入勝的詼諧故事情節,使得蘇利文的作品不僅在當時十分受到喜愛,直到今日仍在世界各地經常演唱,到處都受到喝采。 Gilbert & Sullivan: The Pirates Of Penzance 1. Opening Chorus of Pirates and Solo - (Samuel) Pour, oh 2. Song - (Ruth) When Fred'ric was a little lad 3:37 3. Song - (Pirate King and Chorus) Oh, better far to live 2:18 4. Recitative and Duet - (Ruth and Frederic) Oh! False one 2:54 5. (Chorus of Girls) - Climbing over rocky mountain 3:29 6. Recitative - (Edith, Kate, Frederic and Chorus of Girls 1:29 7. Song - (Frederic and Chorus of Girls) Oh! Is there not 4:20 8. Song - (Mabel and Chorus) Poor wand'ring one 2:39 9. (Edith, Kate, and Chorus of Girls) What ought we to do? 10. Duet - (Mabel and Frederic and Chorus of Girls) How bea 1:55 11. (Frederic and Chorus of Girls and Pirates) Stay, we mus 1:24 12. Recitative - (Mabel, Major-General, Samuel and Chorus) 13. William S. Gilbert: The Pirates of Penzance: No. 13: So 2:52 14. Finale - Act One (Mabel, Edith, Kate, Frederic, Samuel, 8:34 15. Introduction - Solo - (Mabel and Chorus) Oh! Dry the gl 3:01 16. Recitative - (Frederic and Major-General) Now, Frederic 17. Chorus, with Solo - (for Mabel, Edith and Sargeant) Whe 4:38 18. Recitative and Trio - (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) 1:26 19. Trio - (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) When you had le 3:37 20. Trio - (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) Away, away, my 1:23 21. Recitative and Duet - (Mabel and Frederic) All is prepa 1:23 22. Duet - (Mabel and Frederic) Stay, Frederic, stay! 6:09 23. Recitative - (Mabel, Sergeant and Chorus of Police) No, 1:24 24. Song - (Sergeant and Chorus of Police) When a felon's n 2:30 25. Solo - (Sergeant and Chorus of Pirates and Police) A ro 26. Solo - (Samuel and Chorus of Pirates) With cat-like tre 2:38 27. (Frederic, King, Major-General, and Chorus of Police an 1:33 28. Song - (Major-General and Chorus of Pirates and Police) 9:43





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