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吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 規格

吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 最新價格

吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408035326 音樂廠牌: Telarc 十九世紀末的英國作曲家蘇利文,為英國繼十七世紀的菩賽爾之後的偉大音樂家,-生創作以舞台音樂最重要,其與幽默劇作家吉伯特的合作,更為音樂史留下了許多成功的喜歌劇作品,本張所錄製的(彭贊斯的海盜》,便是最佳的例證。蘇利文的作品風格屬於(敘事性歌劇),所唱歌曲並不全是自己創作,而大多採用著名的民謠或流行曲調,再搭配上吉伯特引人入勝的詼諧故事情節,使得蘇利文的作品不僅在當時十分受到喜愛,直到今日仍在世界各地經常演唱,到處都受到喝采。 Gilbert & Sullivan: The Pirates Of Penzance 1. Opening Chorus of Pirates and Solo - (Samuel) Pour, oh 2. Song - (Ruth) When Fred'ric was a little lad 3:37 3. Song - (Pirate King and Chorus) Oh, better far to live 2:18 4. Recitative and Duet - (Ruth and Frederic) Oh! False one 2:54 5. (Chorus of Girls) - Climbing over rocky mountain 3:29 6. Recitative - (Edith, Kate, Frederic and Chorus of Girls 1:29 7. Song - (Frederic and Chorus of Girls) Oh! Is there not 4:20 8. Song - (Mabel and Chorus) Poor wand'ring one 2:39 9. (Edith, Kate, and Chorus of Girls) What ought we to do? 10. Duet - (Mabel and Frederic and Chorus of Girls) How bea 1:55 11. (Frederic and Chorus of Girls and Pirates) Stay, we mus 1:24 12. Recitative - (Mabel, Major-General, Samuel and Chorus) 13. William S. Gilbert: The Pirates of Penzance: No. 13: So 2:52 14. Finale - Act One (Mabel, Edith, Kate, Frederic, Samuel, 8:34 15. Introduction - Solo - (Mabel and Chorus) Oh! Dry the gl 3:01 16. Recitative - (Frederic and Major-General) Now, Frederic 17. Chorus, with Solo - (for Mabel, Edith and Sargeant) Whe 4:38 18. Recitative and Trio - (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) 1:26 19. Trio - (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) When you had le 3:37 20. Trio - (Ruth, Frederic and Pirate King) Away, away, my 1:23 21. Recitative and Duet - (Mabel and Frederic) All is prepa 1:23 22. Duet - (Mabel and Frederic) Stay, Frederic, stay! 6:09 23. Recitative - (Mabel, Sergeant and Chorus of Police) No, 1:24 24. Song - (Sergeant and Chorus of Police) When a felon's n 2:30 25. Solo - (Sergeant and Chorus of Pirates and Police) A ro 26. Solo - (Samuel and Chorus of Pirates) With cat-like tre 2:38 27. (Frederic, King, Major-General, and Chorus of Police an 1:33 28. Song - (Major-General and Chorus of Pirates and Police) 9:43

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吉伯特與蘇利文 彭贊斯的海盜 Gilbert Sullivan The Pirates of Penz 80353 用戶評測


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