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吉伯特與蘇利文 The Best of Gilbert & Sullivan 80431 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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吉伯特與蘇利文 The Best of Gilbert & Sullivan 80431 描述

專輯類型: 1CD 發行年份: 2006 國際條碼: 0089408043123 音樂廠牌: Telarc -八七-年, 英國作曲家蘇利文結識劇作家吉爾伯特後, 期間-共創作了十四部膾炙人口的輕歌劇, 其中-八七五年兩人聯手創作長度約半小時的開場戲( 陪審團開庭 》,經由劇院經理杜利·卡特策劃下, 演出大獲成功;從此壟斷倫敦舞台長達五十年之久。(衛隊侍從》於-八八八年上演普獲好評, 咸認是兩人合作以來最好作品。(蘇利文權威)馬克拉斯指揮威爾斯國立歌劇院演出極為精彩, 獨唱者個個稱職, 堪稱當今最佳版本。(天皇)以江戶時期之日本為舞台背景, 敘述皇子南基普設計娶到滴滴普小鎮官吏柯可的未婚妻鴛鴦的故事。(彭贊斯的海盜》是(敘事性歌劇),再搭配上吉伯特引人入勝的詼諧故事情節, 使得蘇利文的作品直到今日仍在世界各地經常演唱, 到處都受到喝采 。 Gilbert & Sullivan The Mikado 1. Song and Chorus - Nanki-Poo (A Wandering Mistrel I) 4:20 2. Chorus with Solo - Ko-Ko (Behold the Lord High Executioner) 2:39 3. Trio - Yum-Yum, Peep-Bo and Pitti-Sing with Chorus of Schoolgirls (T 1:31 4. Solo - Pitti-Sing and Chorus of Schoolgirls (Braid the raven hair) 3:25 5. Duet - Nanki-Poo and Ko-Ko with Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing and Pooh-Bah (Th 1:36 6. Song - Ko-Ko (On a tree by a river, a little torn-tit sang, "Willow, 2:29 7. Finale, Act Two (For he's gone and married Yum-Yum) 1:52 H.M.S. Pinafore 8. Introduction and Opening Chorus - (Chorus of Sailors) We sail t 2:02 9. Rectitative and Aria - (Buttercup) I'm called Little Buttercup 2:10 10. Recitative and Song - (Captain Corcoran and Chorus of Sailors) 2:09 11. Song - (Sir Joseph and Chorus) When I was a lad 2:38 12. Duet - (Buttercup and Captain Corcoran) Things are seldom what 2:52 13. Trio - (Joshephine, Captain Corcoran and Sir Joseph) Never mind 2:26 14. (Chorus of Girls) - Climbing over rocky mountain 3:29 The Pirates Of Penzance 15. Song - (Mabel and Chorus) Poor wand'ring one 2:39 16. Duet - (Mabel and Frederic and Chorus of Girls) How bea 1:55 17. William S. Gilbert: No. 13: So 2:52 18. Chorus, with Solo - (for Mabel, Edith and Sargeant) Whe 4:38 19. Duet - (Mabel and Frederic) Ah, leave me not to pine (f 3:51 20. Solo - (Samuel and Chorus of Pirates) With cat-like tre 2:38 The Yeomen Of The Guard 21. Ballad - (Fairfax) Is life a boon? 2:04 22. Duet - (Elsie and Point) I have a song to sing 3:43 23. Song - (Phoebe) Were I thy bride 1:53 24. Song - (Point) Oh, a private buffoon is a light-hearted 2:48 25. Quartet - (Elsie, Phoebe, Fairfax and Point) When a woo 2:43 Trial By Jury 26. Song - (Judge) When I, good friends, was called to the Bar 2:45 27. Sextet and Chorus - (Plaintiff, Defendant, Counsel, Judge, Usher 3:19 28. Finale - (Ensemble) Oh, joy unbounded 1:50

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