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(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 規格

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 最新價格

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 描述

專輯類型: 1SACD 發行年份: 2016 國際條碼: 7318599921587 音樂廠牌: BIS 海頓的作品20又被稱為「太陽」四重奏,可說是他弦樂四重奏集其大成者,後世任何創作弦樂四重奏的作曲家都必然會對這套作品肅然起敬。但是這部作品之所以能屹立不搖並非是因為手法正統嚴謹,反而是因為彈性、變化度和不可預測性讓它們得以如此與眾不同。每個小節都充滿冒險感,感受到海頓正在風格和想法之間建立聯結,利用他所知所有過往的四重奏寫法,進一步打造出揉合過去與當下的新手法,並且將他的音樂想像推到極限。 這張專輯收錄「太陽」四重奏的前三首,演奏的團體是2005年才成立的明暗對比弦樂四重奏,由小提琴家艾莉娜.伊布拉吉莫娃(俄羅斯)、帕布羅.艾爾南.班奈迪(西班牙)、中提琴家艾蜜莉.赫爾隆德(瑞典)和大提琴家克萊兒.蒂里翁(法國)四人組成,雖然來自不同國家,但都是畢業自英國皇家音樂院(RCM)。留聲機雜誌稱讚他們「真正演繹出古典時期高峰室內樂的先驅者」,該團全部使用羊腸弦演奏,創造出獨一無二的音色-《觀察家報》形容為「連最挑剔的耳朵都會感到震撼」-獨特的魅力立刻席捲全歐的聽眾與樂評。這是該團首度在BIS發行專輯,先前他們在aparte(台灣同樣由上揚代理)已有多張錄音問世,2015年更獲得德國唱片評論家大獎(Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik)的 The six so-called 'Sun' quartets of Joseph Haydn's Op.20 are often said to represent an unprecedented flowering of his string quartet writing, establishing a high watermark to which every other subsequent composer of quartets has paid homage. For all their iconic status the Op.20 quartets are not a monument of compositional rectitude or propriety, however – it is rather their flexibility, variety and unpredictability that make them so compelling. Every bar is full of a sense of musical adventure, a palpable feeling that Haydn is creating bridges between styles and ideas and forging a composite vision of four-part string writing that draws on every historical source that he knew as well as the furthest reaches of his musical imagination. On this first volume, the first three quartets of the set are performed by the Chiaroscuro Quartet, a highly international ensemble formed in 2005 by the violinists Alina Ibragimova (Russia) and Pablo Hernan Benedí (Spain), the Swedish violist Emilie Hörnlund and cellist Claire Thirion from France. Dubbed 'a trailblazer for the authentic performance of High Classical chamber music' in Gramophone, the quartet plays on gut strings and its unique sound – described in The Observer as 'a shock to the ears of the best kind' – is admired by audiences and critics all over Europe. Appearing for the first time on BIS, the Chiaroscuro Quartet has a growing and acclaimed discography and in 2015 received Germany's most prestigious CD award, the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik. Joseph Haydn String Quartet in E flat major, Op. 20 No. 1 1. I. Allegro moderato 9'27 2. II. Menuet. Un poco allegretto 3'25 3. III. Affettuoso e sostenuto 6'40 4. IV. Finale. Presto 3'38 String Quartet in C major, Op. 20 No. 2 5. I. Moderato 9'15 6. II. Capriccio. Adagio 5'33 7. III. Menuet. Allegretto 3'30 8. IV. Fuga a 4tro soggetti. Allegro 4'01 String Quartet in G minor, Op. 20 No. 3 9. I. Allegro con spirito 9'47 10. II. Menuet. Allegretto 3'58 11. III. Poco adagio 8'16 12. IV. Finale. Allegro di molto 5'41

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 商品選項

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 屬性

(BIS) 海頓 太陽四重奏 明暗對比四重奏 Haydn Sun Quartets SACD2158 用戶評測


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