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The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook 誠品eslite 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook 誠品eslite 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


In this wholly original, never-before-seen box set, the New York Times bestselling author who has redefined tarot for the twenty-first century takes seekers on a journey of self-discovery deep into the collective unconscious and through the realm of archetypes, where dreams and myths meet. In this original box set, Kim Krans illuminates the revelatory power of archetypes—the ancient, universal symbols that have endured across time and cultures and reside deep in our shared psyche. Illustrated in her unmistakable "Wild Unknown" style, an emotionally evocative combination of elegant line art and lush watercolor painting, The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook fosters a profound understanding of our complex personalities, behaviors, and tendencies. The Wild Unknown Archetypes deck includes 78 gorgeous circular oracle cards divided into four suits: The Selves, The Places, The Tools, and The Initiations. Each archetype has been carefully selected for its symbolic potency and the lesson at the core of its nature, such as The Poet, representative of deep emotional creativity and the drive to find our truth, and The Vision, which symbolizes the lifelong journey to rediscover our destiny. Accompanying the deck is a 224-page hand-lettered, fully illustrated guidebook written and designed by Krans, which details the meaning behind each card and offers clear, grounded explanations of the many spreads, practices, and concepts that power the Archetypes deck. A beautiful and inclusive tool for self-exploration, The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook is sure to enchant readers drawn to personal study, symbology, and lore. Destined to become a treasured keepsake, The Wild Unknown Archetypes Deck and Guidebook is an exquisitely designed work of art that embodies the mystery, glamour, and allure that made Krans’s previous 【鑑賞期及退貨注意事項】 1.提供15天鑑賞期之權益(含例假日,此為考慮期並非試用期),不可適用於以下情況,如留有污漬、磨損、有異味、配件不全,或商品如經拆封、使用、以致缺乏完整性即失去再販售價值時,恕無法退貨。 2.退貨商品須為全新狀態且包裝完整商品,請以原始包裝方式寄回,包含完整無損之外箱、商品、包裝紙,目錄、吊牌、贈品、配件等,若原外箱已遺失,請另使用紙箱包覆於商品原廠包裝外,切勿直接於原包裝上黏貼紙張或書寫文字,來做寄送,若原盒內所有物品有損壞或遺失,恕不接受退貨。 3.因電腦解析度及螢幕等問題會有色差差異,以收到的商品實品為準。 4.下單前欲確認貨量及任何問題歡迎使用聊聊洽詢。work collectible sensations, while introducing a whole new realm of magic and depth to The Wild Unknown.








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