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The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and/Kim Krans eslite誠品 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and/Kim Krans eslite誠品 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


知名插畫家、《野性未知》作者Kim Kran設計製作 紐約時報暢銷書《野性未知》塔羅牌套組帶給許多讀者心靈上的指引,而其背後功臣,也就是作者、知名插畫家Kim Kran再次用精湛的繪畫,設計了這一套精美的神諭牌組。 套組包含六十三章全彩卡片及一本說明書,卡片上的圖像由Kim Kran親手以真實的動物為靈感,畫出這六十三章栩栩如生、令人愛不釋手的牌卡;說明書則是以用手寫字呈現,搭配一樣精采的插畫,告訴讀者本套組的使用方法。 不同於塔羅牌,神喻卡把重點放在個人的靈性修養,不特別用來占卜,說明書一開頭即告訴讀者,每天抽一張牌,動物的靈性就會告訴今天一整天「你」會是以什麼樣的方式呈現,也可以用來給予關於過去現在未來的自己一點提示,適合對靈性修養有興趣、或者正在尋求心靈療法的讀者。 The artist behind the groundbreaking New York Times bestseller The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck and Guidebook helps seekers of all levels expand their practice of self-discovery with this breathtaking keepsake boxed set featuring an oracle deck and guidebook inspired by real and mythical animals. Beloved artist Kim Krans is helping to redefine the tarot movement for the twenty-first century. Hand drawn in her detailed and emotionally evocative style, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook is a work of art that explores the mysteries of the natural world and the animal kingdom. Each of the 63 gorgeous oracle cards captures a stunning portrait of creatures both real and mythical. Divided into five suits structured by the five yogic elements that make up all living things—Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether—The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook includes creatures that roam the field and forest, swim in the oceans and rivers, inhabit deserts and grasslands, and soar through the sky. The Ether suit holds the seven spirit cards, and represents the seven chakras of the subtle body. From the Peacock who symbolizes inner beauty and reminds us to practice self-acceptance to the playful Dolphin who indicates a profound blessing is headed our way, each animal has been carefully selected for its symbolic potency and the lesson at the core of its nature. Kim’s powerful animal archetypes offer insight into relationships, personalities, behaviors and tendencies and can be used alone or alongside The Wild Unknown Tarot to add an additional layer of depth to readings. The 200-page hand-lettered, fully illustrated guidebook offers grounded, easy to understand explanations of the cards, a detailed look at the many spreads, practices, and concepts that power the Animal Spirit deck, and deep insight into how each animal helps illuminate our contradictions, our complex natures, and the endless mystery of who we are. Packaged in a highly designed keepsake box with a beautiful lifting ribbon, The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck and Guidebook celebrates the hidden wisdom of the creatures that inhabit our world and beyond, and reveals how we are all connected in the complex and wondrous web of life. 【詳細資料】 誠品26碼/2681530305001 ISBN13/9780062742865 ISBN10/0062742868 EAN/9780062742865 頁數/208 級別/無 裝訂/精裝 語言/英文







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