品牌:哿哿桌遊 遊戲人數:2 遊戲時間:~30min 年齡:8+ 遊戲內容: - 1個遊戲圖板 - 2個被子圖板 - 2個時間指示物 - 1個中立指示物 - 33個補丁 - 5個特殊補丁 - 1個特殊板塊 - 50個紐扣 - 1個遊戲規劃書 拼布在歐洲中世紀是一種針線活,需要將幾片碎布片拼湊出一個較大的刺繡品。在過去,拼布是一種利用剩下的碎布塊來製造衣服和被子的方法。今天,拼布是一種藝術,設計師使用珍貴的織物來創造出美麗的紡織品。特別是使用參差不齊的各種織物,更能創造出真正的大師傑作。 要創造出一個美麗的被子,需要花費很多的精力和時間,但也需要有可用的補丁配合。所以要仔細選擇你的補丁,並確保有足夠的鈕扣來完成你的被子,好向你的對手展現你的美麗作品。 In Patchwork, two players compete to build the most aesthetic (and high-scoring) patchwork quilt on a personal 9x9 game board. To start play, lay out all of the patches at random in a circle and place a marker directly counter-clockwise of the 2-1 patch. Each player takes five buttons — the currency/points in the game — and someone is chosen as the start player. On a turn, a player either purchases one of the three patches standing clockwise of the spool or passes. To purchase a patch, you pay the cost in buttons shown on the patch, advance your time token on the time track a number of spaces equal to the time shown on the patch, move the spool to that patch's location in the circle, then add the patch to your game board. You're free to place the patch anywhere on your board that doesn't overlap other patches, but you probably want to fit things together as tightly as possible. If your time token is behind or on top of the other player's time token, then you take another turn; otherwise the opponent now goes. Instead of purchasing a patch, you can choose to pass; to do this, you move your time token to the space immediately in front of the opponent's time token, then take one button from the bank for each space you moved. In addition to a button cost and time cost, each patch also features 0-3 buttons, and when you move your time token past a button on the time track, you sum the number of buttons on your game board, then take this many buttons from the bank. What's more, the time track depicts five 1x1 patches on it, and during set-up you place five actual 1x1 patches on these spaces. Whoever first passes a patch on the time track claims this patch and immediately places it on his game board. When a player takes an action that moves his time token to the central square of the time track, he places the purchased patch (assuming he had purchased one and wasn't passing), then takes one final button scoring from the bank. Once both players are in the center, each player loses two buttons for each blank square on his game board. Whoever has the most buttons wins. 哿哿客服電話:(02)2703-5215 哿哿email:infocontact@gege.com.tw ***賣家宅配為自取時選擇的。