品牌:哿哿桌遊 遊戲人數:2-5人/一盒 遊戲時間:5-10min 年齡:4+ 多吃水菓有益健康,咕啾咕啾就很愛吃水果,而且每次自己想吃的水果又很大方的說出來讓大家知道!雖然這叫大家都來搶他想吃的水果,但大方的咕啾咕啾認為好東西就要與好朋友分享,而且其實…要用搶的水果才好吃呢!適合各年齡玩家,但….99歲以上老人家就算了吧,因為太刺激了。 規則簡單、美術精緻,適合培養孩子的專注力、反應力及手眼協調能力,也適合家庭朋友間的聚會場合同樂。遊戲裡有四種水果小怪物,分別為草莓、檸檬、香蕉和水梨。玩家需要正確的認知出桌面上所出現的所有相同水果(例:桌面上所有的檸檬。)並以最快的速度將這些水果以自己的卡牌蓋住。此四隻水果起初是為了募資給在日本Tsunami事件時失去家人的小朋友們而繪製,曾在倫敦以Tshirt的形式展出。咕啾咕啾為此四隻水果的第二個產品,曾在臺北以牆面藝術裝置的形式展出。 Gujuguju is an easy & excited party game. It requires its players to respond fast and to be focused, in order to spot all the same kind of fruits on the table (ex. all the lemons) and cover them all up with your cards before the others players do. The recommended players for one box of gujuguju is 2-5 people. However, with more boxes of gujugujus, it would be even more fun to cover the whole table and play with as many people as possible! The gujuguju fruits were originally drew to exhibit in Blue Ray Gallery, London as a t-shirt pattern which was sold to support the kids who has lost their family in the Japan Tsunami in 2004. The gujuguju board game has also been exhibited as an installation built with board game cards in Taipei, Taiwan in 2016. 哿哿客服電話:(02)2703-5215 哿哿email:infocontact@gege.com.tw ***賣家宅配為自取時選擇的。