攝影/陳秀琍 題字.篆刻/羅時僖 人人出版股份有限公司 ◎ (02)2918-3366 ◎ www.jjp.com.tw 台南孔廟 Tainan Confucian Temple 台南孔廟建於西元1665年,是台灣最古老的文廟 Built in 1665 AD, Tainan Confucian Temple is the oldest Confucian Temple in Taiwan. 赤崁樓(普羅民遮城) Chihkan Tower ( Fort Provintia ) 赤崁樓建於西元1653年東印度公司於台灣建立普羅民遮城的遺址上 Chikan Building was built on the same site over the old Fort Provintia which was built in 1653 AD by Dutch. 國家台灣文學館 National Museum of Taiwan Literature 國家台灣文學館建於西元1916年原本為台南州廳 Formerly severed as Tainan Prefectural Government Building, it was built in 1916 during the Japanese colonial era. 祀典武廟 Official War God Temple 祀典武廟為官方祭祀關聖帝君的廟宇 Formally called the Ceremonial Martial Temple, this War God Temple, is also known as the Guangdi Temple. 延平郡王祠 Koxinga Shrine 台灣最早官方祭祀鄭成功的廟宇 The first official temple to worship Koxinga. 台南舊城之小西門 West Gate of the old Tainan City 安平古堡(熱蘭遮城遺址) Anping Fort(Fort Zeelandia sites) 西元1624年荷蘭人在安平建造的台灣第一座城堡 In 1624, the Dutch built in Anping, the first castle in Taiwan 億載金城(二鯤鯓砲台) Eternal Golden Castle(Er-Kun-Shen Artillery Fort) 億載金城建於西元1874年,是台灣第一座西式砲台 Eternal Golden Castle, built in AD 1874, is Taiwan's first Western-style fortress.