攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 舞龍:龍是華人的文化圖騰、民族精神的象徵,華人也常自喻為〝龍的傳人〞;因此,廟會活動絕對少不了呈現繁榮富足、平安吉祥的舞龍表演。 (台北市大龍峒保安宮保生大帝祭) 攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 跪地膜拜,盼望心內的祈禱能夠上達天聽,保佑平安順利。(龍山寺) May the Gods hear my prayers, may the Gods bless all. (Lungshan Temple, Taipei.) 攝影/陳應欽 平溪天燈(台北) Sky Lanterns, Pingsi, Taipei. 攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 端午節──台北市基隆河龍舟競渡 (台北市大直區) Dragon Boat Festival, dragon boat races. Taipei, Taiwan. 攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 保生大帝祭──舞獅 (台北市大同區‧大龍峒) Lion Dance. Bao Sheng Cultural Festival in Dalongdong. Taipei, Taiwan. 攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 媽祖野柳作客──三太子神偶 (新北市萬里區‧金山) Mazu Festival. The large Infernal Generals: Jinzha, Muzha, and Nezha. Jinsan, New Taipei City, Taiwan. 攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 主圖:鍾馗藝陣:驅魔大將軍。小圖:官將首(原名八將首),意謂家將的首領,相當於陰界中的刑警,據傳為新莊地藏庵首創;面貌猙獰,威武懾人。 Zhong Kui is a figure of Chinese mythology. Traditionally regarded as a vanquisher of ghosts and evil beings, and reputedly able to command 80,000 demons. "Guan Jian Shou", or "the chief guards of Ksitigarbha" 攝影/黃丁盛 題字/羅時僖 家將臉譜。「家將(什家將)」是台灣廟會中最具特色的宗教陣頭;他們的臉上總是彩繪著神秘繁複的圖案。 細看一張張威嚴恐怖的家將臉譜,其實是一幅幅精彩生動的宗教藝術。 Taiwan Shi General Troupes Symbolism Facial Mask Facial makeups are a fairly unique art in Chinese operas and folk performances, which distinctly show the appearance of different roles.