CONTROLTECH品牌是1989年由一群單車愛好者在美國西雅圖創立,致力於研並提供騎乘者最好的產品。 1990年專注登山車相關的零配件,2000年後延伸產品線至公路車、計時車及三鐵車的領域。 Road saddle with central channel to relieve soft-tissue pressure, spread rider weight across the saddle surface and greatly increase comfort; increasingly important the longer you ride. Keeping your sit bones stable you can maximize each and every pedal stroke. Thin polycarbonate design reduces weight yet provides a strong enough platform so your muscular energy is efficiently transformed into forward motion. Lightweight, hollow chromoly rails providethe strength of steel with no weight penalty, plus great and durability. Contemporary, understated graphics add a splash of style. Low weight – just 237g.