CONTROLTECH品牌是1989年由一群單車愛好者在美國西雅圖創立,致力於研並提供騎乘者最好的產品。 1990年專注登山車相關的零配件,2000年後延伸產品線至公路車、計時車及三鐵車的領域。 The unique square tubular stem body adds an aerodynamic edge to your riding, as well as giving your bike a contemporary aesthetic. That aero appeal continues with the 6061 aluminum stem caps: its low-profile design contributes to the wind-cheating performance. 6061 aluminum strikes a good balance between stiffness and comfort. 5° stem can be flipped for further aerodynamics or sit-up comfort. 10mm stem spacer contributes a smooth transition from the stem to the headset top cover. Comes in six sizes – 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 and 130mm – for more comfort and better handling whatever your size and style of riding. Weighs just 138g.