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Stink and the Shark Sleepover/McDonald 文鶴書店 Crane Publishing 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Stink and the Shark Sleepover/McDonald 文鶴書店 Crane Publishing 描述


賣場名稱:文鶴書店 Crane Publishing

出版社:Candlewick Press (MA)



作者 : Megan McDonald

Shark-tastic! Stink gets to sleep with the fishes after his parents win an aquarium sleepover. But wait — what’s that lurking beyond the KEEP OUT sign?

When Stink’s parents win tickets for the whole family to sleep over at the aquarium (along with Stink’s two best friends), it sounds like a science freak’s dream come true. Stink loves the sea-creature scavenger hunt (Bat ray! Brain coral!), the jellyfish light show, and the shiver of sand tiger sharks with razor-sharp teeth. And of course Stink is nuts about gross stuff, but after some spooky stories around the virtual campfire, can he manage to fall asleep thinking about the eating habits of the vampire squid? Especially Bloody Mary, the mutant, glowing Frankensquid that’s supposed to be on the prowl?









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