前後包覆完整保護, 雙材質結構兼具支撐與保護, 精準開孔完美對應手機, 符合美國軍規認證, 相容無線充電。 特殊色彩塗裝時尚耐看 COSMO系列手機保護殼 完整結合時尚個性化設計及防撞保護設計 整機透過精美工藝塗裝 展現個性外還能漸少刮傷及指紋。 i-Blason Mobile Accessories: i-Blason 是美國 戶外 行動裝置保護殼配件商,提供實用 時尚 運動風格的保護殼產品 Dual-layered protection features a shock-absorbent TPU bumper and a scratch-resistant Polycarbonate back plate. Fashionable slim case features a glitter design that compliments your personal style without adding bulk to your bags or pockets. Cushioned corners provide augmented protection for accidental drops and falls. Precise cutouts and comprehensive design allows easy access to all ports, buttons, features, cameras and fingerprint sensor. Won’t interfere wireless charging. Compatible with Galaxy S10+ Plus (2019 Release) Only.