【華泰劍橋 IELTS雅思官方備考主教材 Mindset for IELTS Teacher's Book 2 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
【IELTS雅思官方備考主教材】 結合雅思考試語言技能培養 (Learning Strategies)、應試技巧 (Skills Practice) 及 全真試題 (Exam Practice) 於一冊。課程豐富扎實,另提供多元線上練習活動,教師可依學生語言需求彈性安排課程進程。 ◎教師手冊 ◎適用程度 / IELTS目標分數:IELTS Band 6.5 ◎附可下載課程聽力音檔 ★購買提示: 學生課本不含課程聽力音檔,如需聽力音檔請購買教師手冊 #Mindset for IELTS #ielts #雅思自修 #雅思 #英語學習 #英檢 #Cambridge #華泰劍橋 更多官方雅思備考書籍請至#華泰劍橋 MINDSET, the multi-level course from the organisation that produces the IELTS test, develops students' English skills and leaves them fully prepared for test day. MINDSET from Cambridge gets you inside the IELTS test with a unique blend of print and online content. Topic-based units cover each of the four skills in turn, making it easy to find what you want. This Teacher's Book accompanies MINDSET Student's Book Level 2, targeting Band 6.5. Designed to help teachers feel more confident in the classroom, it clearly guides you through the test, providing clear links between activities and the test, a glossary of IELTS terms, alternative exercises and extension activities. Audio content can be downloaded using the code printed on the inside front cover. ***華泰文化總代理商品*** Mindset for IELTS Level 2 Teacher's Book with Class Audio 版次: 1 版 作者: Natasha De Souza ISBN-13:9781316640265 分類: IELTS 劍橋雅思國際英語測驗 年份: 2018 英語類型:國際英語 適用程度:Upper Intermediate CEFR Level:B2 商品型式: 平裝書隨附帳號(拆封不退) 頁數: 104 頁 ------------------------------------------------- 華泰文化為英國劍橋大學出版社(Cambridge University Press)英語學習教材總代理商,提供豐富多元的英語學習書籍,包含:兒童、青少年、成人課程主教材、YLE劍橋兒童英檢、劍橋五級國際英語認證、IELTS雅思等英檢官方備考書籍等。更多書籍請至#華泰劍橋