CLIL 實務教學活動參考書,內容提供多元CLIL教學活動,並針對CLIL評測、學習成效追蹤與反饋給予實務教學建議。 CLIL Activities is organised into five chapters: Activating, Guiding understanding, Focus on language, Focus on speaking and Focus on writing. A further chapter provides practical ideas for assessment, review and feedback. The Background to CLIL section offers a clear explanation of what CLIL is and its benefits and challenges. The book contains a wide range of easily accessible activities that can be used in any order. Dedicated subject pages include annotated extracts from authentic school teaching materials, demonstrating how language is used in particular school subjects, such as geography, science, maths and ICT. #CLIL #雙語教學 ***華泰文化總代理商品*** CLIL Activities with CD-ROM 版次: 1 版 作者:Liz Dale,Rosie Tanner,Scott Thornbury ISBN-13: 9780521149846 分類:教學應用 年份: 2012 商品型式: 平裝 頁數: 294 頁 ------------------------------------------------- 華泰文化為英國劍橋大學出版社(Cambridge University Press)英語學習教材總代理商,提供豐富多元的英語學習書籍,包含:兒童、青少年、成人課程主教材、YLE劍橋兒童英檢、劍橋五級國際英語認證、IELTS雅思等英檢官方備考書籍等。更多書籍請至#華泰劍橋