超級組合NO.8 高濃度激素MORE男士配方愛情的荷爾蒙感情加溫歐亞美洲同步上市+性感激素PS男士配方愛情靈藥感情加溫 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

超級組合NO.8 高濃度激素MORE男士配方愛情的荷爾蒙感情加溫歐亞美洲同步上市+性感激素PS男士配方愛情靈藥感情加溫 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


含蓄的無聲吸引: 愉快氣氛營造:#香水 The best-selling product in European and the States. High concentration. Free of flavor. Exclusive formula for homosexualities. Design for male, female and homosexualities. 歐美暢銷產品, 高濃度 不含香精 有男用女用另外且還有同志圈專屬配方 FOR G(GAY)& L(Lesbian) 32MG/20ML (pheromones contained) 20ML Spray bottleSeparate from the simple propositions (androsteadienone & estratetraenol ) used by other companies, more complex composition and certain concentration is adopted to this product with GREEN LAB's assurance. The special formula for homosexuality is available as well. 不同於其他公司使用一種或是兩種成分(androsteadienone & estratetraenol )的單純比例,此產品採用也更複雜的信息素組成,GREEN LAB公司濃度含量保證. 另提供同志配方 FOR G(GAY)& L(Lesbian) PHER S(SEXY): 深化性感的信息素S Dense sexy pheromoneS This is the formula of sexy enhancement. The adding white musk and marine fragrance is widely loved by the youngers. Homosexuality type (G & L) is also available. 以性感sexy為訴求之信息素配方,更添加白麝香及海洋香氛 是廣受年輕族群喜愛的產品 也有同志(G&L)配方產品 10MG/20ML (pheromones contained) 20ML spray bottleSexy pheromone product aims for 30s and younger group. The dynamic pheromone effect cosmetics you a cynosure anywhere. How about the so you most dynamic and the most beautiful time to add distinctive charm pheromones. What about sexy ? Such sexy side effects you should learn how to deal with. 以30歲以下年輕族群以及性感為設計目標的信息素配方 ,無論是在任何場合都會是眾人圍繞的目標,讓你最最具活力和美麗的時期添加與眾不同的信息素魅力. 而性感呢?這種副作用你應該要學著如何處理的. #香水 #信息素 #pheromone #愛情 #情趣 #夫妻 #交友 #相親 #單身 #戀愛 #慾望 #引誘 #吸引 #情色 #美國 #節日 #遊戲 #聖誕







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