澳洲黃色礦泥粉 英文名:Yellow Australian Clay 規格:超細 / 產地:澳大利亞 用途:溫和去角質及潔淨肌膚,保濕滋養,使肌膚恢復柔嫩與光澤。 用法:加水調成泥狀塗抹於臉部與脖子等部位,避開脆弱的眼睛四周,待10- 15分鐘後以清水充分洗淨。 保存方式:放置陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 重量: 1kg Yellow Australian Clay is great for gently exfoliating & cleansing your skin, toning & strengthening connective tissues, stimulating blood circulation, drawing out toxins & superfluous fat, and hydrating, nourishing & feeding your skin, without leaving it feeling dry or tight. When using yellow clay add purified water or floral water, mix into a paste and apply to the face or body. Allow to dry, rinse it off, spray with floral water or toner, and use your favourite moisturiser to finish.