澳洲橄欖綠礦泥粉 英文名:Olive Green Australian Clay 規格:超細,產地:澳大利亞 用途:深層清潔、淨化毛孔,調理肌膚油水平衡,使肌膚柔嫩有光澤。 用法:加水調成泥狀塗抹於臉部與脖子等部位,避開脆弱的眼睛四周,待10- 15分鐘後以清水充分洗淨。 保存方式:放置陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直射。 Olive Green Australian Clay is the strongest of all clays and is best for detoxification and acne prone and oily skin. The minerals in the clay help to rebalance oil flow, strengthen skin, and act as an aid for repairing scars. Ideal for body wraps after pregnancy where cellulite and stretch marks are of concern.