Dragons Are Not for Sale 生命教育繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Ezzy隔壁的Preston家充滿珍禽異獸,有大象、猴子、驢子、河馬......但動物們看起來一點都不快樂,個個垂頭喪氣。為了拯救動物們,Ezzy決定和Preston做個交易,好讓動物們不用被關在他家。 這天,Preston看見Ezzy抱著一顆好大的蛋,他就不高興了:「為什麼他有,我沒有?」於是Preston向媽媽吵著也要一顆蛋。過了不久,Ezzy的蛋浮現裂紋,孵出一隻噴火的小龍。Preston的眼睛也要噴火了,他很忌妒Ezzy有一隻漂亮的小龍,而他只有那些不好玩的動物。 於是,Ezzy說:嘿,我們要不要做個交易?你把全部的動物給我,我就把小龍給你。 Preston欣然接受這個提議,畢竟小龍比那些無聊的動物酷多了!於是動物們終於可以離開狹窄的籠子,回到他們的家。但我們都知道Ezzy珍惜每個動物,無論是一般的大象河馬,或是小龍。Ezzy會怎麼讓小龍也脫離Preston的掌控,回歸自由呢? 「為什麼他有,我沒有」也許是一些孩子的口頭禪;這些孩子看到新東西就任性哭鬧,一旦不順他的意就大發脾氣,比皇帝還難伺候。故事裡的Preston就是孩子任性的最佳寫照,他什麼都想要,不在乎他人感受,只要沒有得到想要的東西就生氣。在故事裡我們也可以看到,Preston的任性會讓媽媽困擾,為了滿足他的需求,可能也會傷害到被迫成為寵物的動物們。 透過繪本,讓小讀者學會節制慾望,尊重生命,珍惜現有的東西。 #生命教育繪本 #動物是我們的好朋友 #學會尊重與珍惜 Back at home, Ezzygot out his Almanac of All Animals and looked under the letter D. Then he put on a warm sweater, strapped on his largest backpack and started climbing the bare mountain. Three days passed. When Ezzy descended from the bare mountain he was no longer wearing his sweater and his backpack was bursting at the seams. What is Ezzy carrying with him? What is he up to? Tjibbe Veldkamp tells the comical story of Ezzyand the spoiled boy next door, Preston. Preston keeps all sorts of animals, but he doesn't really care for them. Ezzy loves animals, but Preston won't let him near them. But Ezzy's got a plan! With glorious illustrations, Golden Paintbrush-winner Alice Hoogstad paints the story of Ezzy and his egg. A book to be devoured by anyone who loves Tjibbe Veldkamp, Alice Hoogstad, animals and dragons. And who feels that spoiled little brats should be taught a lesson they won't forget in a hurry. ISBN 9781788070485 書號 30255227