Who Was Che Guevara? (切·格瓦拉) 世界經典名人系列讀本 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Who Was Che Guevara? (切·格瓦拉) 世界經典名人系列讀本 描述
★誰是Che Guevara (切·格瓦拉) ? ✔ 一位來自阿根廷的年輕醫學生 ✔ 古巴革命的核心人物之一 ✔ 一位成為青春叛逆象徵的人物 ✔ 摩托車日記作者 革命萬歲! Viva la revolución! Find out how Che Guevara--a doctor turned communist leader and much more than a face on a T-shirt--ended up paying the ultimate price for his cause. His very image has become associated with a spirit of rebellion, but Ernesto Guevara--known around the world simply as Che--didn't dream of becoming a revolutionary. Author Ellen Labrecque takes readers on a journey through Che's life starting with his childhood in Argentina, to his travels through South and Central America as a young physician, and ending with his final years as a key player in the Cuban revolution. His legacy--as the author of The Motorcycle Diaries, a champion of the poor, and a force for change in Cuba--is both personal and political. 【Who is/ was、What is/was世界經典名人/事件系列讀本】 ▌介紹 以世界著名歷史人物、近代具影響力人物以及歷史事件為主題,範圍涵蓋革命家、科學家、藝術家、作家、國家領袖、社會運動、音樂、運動等多元豐富的領域。 ▌特色說明 有別於一般傳記故事呆板生硬的呈現方式,整本書以具結構性的呈現方式,淺顯易懂、輕鬆幽默的敘述,一步步帶我們了解人物的出生背景、成長過程、著名事蹟、生平成就與貢獻,加上鮮少人知的逸聞趣事,更拉近與讀者的距離, 書中的手繪插畫、歷史照片與書末的年鑑對照表,可幫助讀者融入故實情節,帶領讀者深入其境,一同感受當時的環境氛圍。 除了歷史知識的獲得,讀著名人成功背後所經歷的歷練、挫折,努力付出心血後的收穫,透過真實事件的呈現,更能帶給讀者正面勵志的力量以及自我省思。 ▌適讀推薦 適合給小學高年級及國中生閱讀, 大人也歡迎一起加入閱讀行列,或許會讓你對平常再熟悉不過的名人,有著不一樣的感受,發覺你從來不知道的小知識喔! ISBN:9780399544019