知名圖文作家Nick Sharratt好書再推薦!維持一貫有趣的互動繪本風格,以及發揮想像力的故事情節,這次要讓你跟著小小海盜Pete出航去! 本書附有多張趣味造型小卡,像是海鷗、鱷魚、皇冠等等,配合每次Pete在旅程中發生的事情,讓孩子能自由決定其故事走向。例如在一開始出航時,Pete在天空(想)看到的會是一架直升機、還是一顆氣球呢?只或者是...一隻飛天豬?沒問題!只要你喜歡,任何事情都有可能發生!至於故事的結尾想讓Pete從寶箱開到什麼寶物,就留給孩子們自己選擇吧! #想把漢堡戴在頭上也可以 #原來馬是海洋生物啊(?) #腦洞大開的海盜 This is a piratical pop-in-the-slot picture book where the reader gets to decide the story! Ahoy there! Pirate Pete is about to set sail on a buccaneering adventure. What will he see in the sky and in the sea? And what's in the treasure chest? The reader decides! On each double page spread there are six cut-outs to choose from. Slot them into the picture to create a new story time and time again. Each spread has six different cutouts to choose from. Just slot the one you want into the picture to create your own story - time and time again. ISBN 9781406331912 書號 44511357