【美感教育之幼兒英語入門書-字母篇 】 學習26個字母是打好英文學習基礎的第一步! A 不再只是 for Apple,B 不再只是 for Book! 書中除了帶小寶貝認識字母及其對應的單字, 還附上相關的短句敘述及常用的搭配動詞。 結合拼貼與版畫風格,深具美感的呈現方式 這是一本內容豐富又精美的英文字母學習書 #厚紙板書堅固不怕撕壞 #家長教學同時也可賞心悅目 #還有數字篇、顏色篇和動物篇 # 美感教育養成4本一起買起來! This fun baby book allows young children to practise their foundational literacy and hand-eye coordination skills while being introduced to the alphabet. The warm, inviting illustrations and rhythmic text will soothe and focus the attention of young children. Talking about the pictures helps to familiarise babies with patterns of speech. Talking and listening go together and help lay the foundations for language development. ISBN 9781912904006 書號 30249684