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How to Make a Better World 公民素養指南書 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

How to Make a Better World 公民素養指南書 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


怎麼樣讓世界變得更好? 關於這個議題,你有哪些想法呢?你知道自己可以做些什麼嗎? “You are never too small to make a difference.”—greta Thunberg 這是出自於瑞典一名年僅18歲的著名氣候活動家及環境活動家的名言。 公民素質的培養,從小就開始! 這是一本有趣又充滿力量的實用指南書, 透過鼓舞人心及積極的鼓勵方式,告訴小朋友如何將實際作為實踐於日常生活中,以微小的行動做出重大改變。 本書以循序漸進的方式,分為「你 (you)」、「社區 (community)」、「全體人類 (humanity)」、「環境 (environment)」共四大主題,提供相關知識與指引。 從關心自己身心健康、設定生活目標開始,參與並認識生活周遭環境活動、透過人際關係的接觸,學習分享、停止霸凌、為自己發聲等觀念,進而化身行動家,關心社會人權及環境保護等議題,為地球與人類貢獻自己的心力。 全書充滿精彩的照片與插圖,並搭配淺顯易懂的文字, 書籍後方另收錄致力於社會議題及環境保護等組織的官網,可自行延伸探索,是一本豐富又多元,不能錯過的的實用指南書! ▌About How to Make a Better World This fun and empowering guide to making the world a better place is packed with inspiring ideas and tips for kids who want to know how to make a difference. Full of positive encouragement to find something you're passionate about and how to get started on making a big difference through small actions, this brilliant fact book for kids is a treasure trove of information and great advice. There's a lot that can be changed by just one person, if you know what to do. If you are a kid with big dreams and a passion for what is right, you just might be a world-changer in the making! Through ideas as small as creating a neighbourhood lending library to as important as public speaking and how to talk about politics, How to Make a Better World is a practical guide to activism for children. Well-written and divided into sections on You, Community, Environment and more, this educational book helps children to look at what they might like to achieve, and the logical approach makes it easy to navigate if you want to tie topics up with school projects. Brightly illustrated inclusive art makes this fact book as visually appealing as its message. You can easily jump around without any loss of comprehension and dip in for short or longer periods. Learn about tricky social interactions like friendship fallouts, or bullying and how to manoeuvre them, or find out how to go about creating activist campaigns to tackle climate change or social injustice. If kids are to think positive thoughts and be part of movements for positive change, they need to be encouraged to do it. This book is full of wonderful facts about the world, presenting such positivity as cool, sensible, exciting, and achievable. The perfect starter book to activism for kids. Pages: 96 Size: 28.3 x 22.3 cm ISBN: 9780241412206



DK Children




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