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Zoom - an Epic Journey Through Triangles 形狀繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Zoom - an Epic Journey Through Triangles 形狀繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 最新價格

Zoom - an Epic Journey Through Triangles 形狀繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Zoom - an Epic Journey Through Triangles 形狀繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 描述

【逐漸放大!學齡前的形狀書:三角篇】 "Zoom: An Epic Journey Through Triangles” Zoom 系列形狀洞洞書,讓你想像力無限放大! 從裂開的蛋殼、老虎的尖牙、原始人長茅的矛頭到恐龍的犄角,當你以為至此已經找不到更大的三角形了,翻開下一頁,恐龍卻被小男孩拿起來把玩,尋找三角形之旅才正要開始! 厚紙板的翻翻書,每一頁都有挖空設計,在繽紛的內頁插圖中發現驚奇,帶著讀者觀察生活中大大小小的形狀,原來每樣東西都是幾何形狀的集合體。 #形狀書 #挖空設計洞洞書 Have you ever wondered just how big our world actually is? Humble beginnings lead to huge adventures in the Zoom series, where young readers are lifted out of everyday life to see the world in a brand-new way. One story begins with a boy and an ice cream cone, and each turn of the page takes the reader one step back to show an entirely new perspective. Each spread has a die-cut shape (circle, square, or triangle) showing a hint of the next page's bright, geometric illustrations, allowing readers to follow the shapes from a scoop of ice cream all the way to the spiral of the galaxy itself, with new details revealed every step of the way. What circles, squares and triangles will you spot in the world around you after taking an epic journey outward with Zoom? ISBN 9789887850007 書號 30246737

Zoom - an Epic Journey Through Triangles 形狀繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 商品選項

Zoom - an Epic Journey Through Triangles 形狀繪本 書林平民繪本專賣店 屬性


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