Are You Ready to Play Outside? 書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Are You Ready to Play Outside? 書林平民繪本專賣店 描述
多愁善感、總是擔心過頭的大象 Gerald 和大剌剌又樂天的小豬 Piggie 是個性互補的好朋友。 小豬和大象這天要一起出去玩,沒想到水珠一點一滴叮叮咚咚的從天上打下來,下雨啦!他們大失所望,下雨了怎麼玩?但一旁卻從土裡鑽出了蚯蚓,快樂地搖擺著身體,或許下雨也可以玩... Mo Willem所創作的大象和小豬好朋友系列,用字簡單、內容幽默趣味,適合給中低年級的讀者、與需要一點歡樂的你閱讀。 #大象和小豬的搞笑日常 #MO_WILLEMS粉絲站出來 Gerald and Piggie are best friends. Gerald is careful. Piggie is not. Piggie cannot help smiling. Gerald can. Gerald worries so that Piggie does not have to. In Are You Ready to Play Outside?, Piggie can’t wait to go play in the sunshine. But will a rainy day ruin all the fun? ISBN 9781423113478 書號 20122478