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Pages & Co.: The Bookwanderers 青少年英文小說 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Pages & Co.: The Bookwanderers 青少年英文小說 描述

【與經典角色並肩而行!探險在書頁中就此展開】 如果有一天,你在真實世界中見到了書中的人物,再來你還發現自己可以隨心所欲,到各個書中去遊玩,你最想見到哪本書的角色? Tilly 在外公外婆經營的書店Pages And Co.閒晃,忽然發現自己看到《清秀佳人》和《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》裡的角色,這項驚喜的發現讓她不由自主地穿梭在各個故事與書頁之間。而正當她漸漸發覺事有蹊蹺,母親的離奇失蹤或許跟這些書中世界有所關聯,當她想掌握更多線索,危險也隨之而來。Tilly 在書中的探險化為真實的逃脫需求,秘密能否解開,她能否脫身而出? 我們在經典好書中流連,但或許,有些秘密,藏在那些被遺忘的書堆中… Since her mother's disappearance, eleven-year-old Tilly Pages has found comfort in the stories at Pages & Co., her grandparents' bookshop. But when her favorite characters, Anne of Green Gables and Alice from Wonderland, start showing up at the shop,Tilly's adventures become very real. Not only can she follow Anne and Alice into their books, she discovers she can bookwander into any story she chooses. Tilly's new ability leads her to fun and exciting adventures, but danger may be lurking on the very next page... When new secrets are uncovered, it's up to Tilly to solve the mystery of what happened to her mother all those years ago. From debut author Anna James comes a charming and exciting adventure about a bookish young heroine, a mysterious librarian, and a magical bookshop that will delight book lovers everywhere. ISBN13: 9781984837141

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