【在牢籠裡的敵人-在美日裔的俘虜童年】 大家一定都聽過「集中營」一詞,但你真的了解它嗎? 本書作者、日裔美籍演員-喬治.武井,因在影集《星艦迷航記》中飾演企業號的舵手上尉而聞名。在1941年,喬治僅4歲的那年冬天,日本偷襲了美國珍珠港海軍基地,美國隨即加入第二次世界大戰,總統羅斯福也宣布,境內的所有日本人都要登記為「敵人」。隔年秋天,喬治全家、與其他境內超過11萬名的日本人,搭上了一台前往集中營的火車,並被貼上了像牲畜一樣的識別標籤,對還幼小的他來說,並未意識到這一切是多麼的不平等,甚至對這一切感到新奇,興奮地認為這是一場冒險!透過他童稚的視角,我們也逐漸認識了這個既熟悉又陌生的「集中營」。 George Takei has captured hearts and minds worldwide with his captivating stage presence and outspoken commitment to equal rights. But long before he braved new frontiers in Star Trek, he woke up as a four-year-old boy to find his own birth country at war with his father's -- and their entire family forced from their home into an uncertain future. In 1942, at the order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, every person of Japanese descent on the west coast was rounded up and shipped to one of ten "relocation centers," hundreds or thousands of miles from home, where they would be held for years under armed guard. They Called Us Enemy is Takei's firsthand account of those years behind barbed wire, the joys and terrors of growing up under legalized racism, his mother's hard choices, his father's faith in democracy, and the way those experiences planted the seeds for his astonishing future. What does it mean to be American? Who gets to decide? When the world is against you, what can one person do? To answer these questions, George Takei joins co-writers Justin Eisinger & Steven Scott and artist Harmony Becker for the journey of a lifetime. ISBN: 9781603094504