An Absolutely Remarkable Thing: A Novel 青少年原文小說 Hank Green 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing: A Novel 【網路動態的逆襲,怪物魔力大蔓延】 凌晨3點,April在紐約曼哈頓區發現了一個巨大的機器人雕塑,April和她最要好的朋友Andy將它命名為卡爾斯(Carls),並興奮地將這座10英尺高、身穿日本武士盔甲的變形金剛拍成影片上傳至Youtube。隔日,這支影片在世界各地瘋狂傳開,卡爾斯的蹤影也同時出現在全球各地,這讓最初發現卡爾斯的April一夕成名。她必須調查卡爾斯究竟是何物?又是究竟為何出現在地球上?同時受到世人支持與阻撓的她,最後是否能成功完成任務呢? 除了精彩的科幻內容,此書也同時探討社交媒體帶給人們利與弊的相關議題,對於身處重度使用社交媒體現今社會的我們,值得好好深省。 The Carls just appeared. Roaming through New York City at three a.m., twenty-three-year-old April May stumbles across a giant sculpture. Delighted by its appearance and craftsmanship—like a ten-foot-tall Transformer wearing a suit of samurai armor—April and her best friend, Andy, make a video with it, which Andy uploads to YouTube. The next day, April wakes up to a viral video and a new life. News quickly spreads that there are Carls in dozens of cities around the world—from Beijing to Buenos Aires—and April, as their first documentarian, finds herself at the center of an intense international media spotlight. Seizing the opportunity to make her mark on the world, April now has to deal with the consequences her new particular brand of fame has on her relationships, her safety, and her own identity. And all eyes are on April to figure out not just what the Carls are, but what they want from us. ISBN:9781524743468