【來自山的迴音,繚繞中看見希望之光】 經歷經濟大蕭條後,Ellie一家人失去原本在鎮上的房子,幾乎一無所有的他們被迫搬往靠近Echo Mountain的荒野之地,儘管Ellie的姐姐極度厭惡這個新環境,但對她來說新的山居生活,卻讓她獲得想要的自由以及對大自然的喜愛。 喜悅只是短暫的,某日,她的爸爸因一次嚴重的意外陷入昏迷,而她卻莫名地成了罪魁禍首。負責懂事的她,為了幫助爸爸脫離險境,決定順從自己的心意,在一隻流浪狗的陪伴下,前往山頂尋找知道治療秘笈的女巫,而關於這個女巫、這座山,還藏著許多不為人知曉的神秘故事。Ellie是否能順利解開秘密並救回父親呢? 出自紐伯瑞銀獎得主Lauren Wolk之手,這是一個關於找尋並呈現真實自我,橫跨三個世代之間,充滿韌性與毅力的故事。 “There has never been a better time to read about healing, of both the body and the heart.” –The New York Times Book Review Echo Mountain is an acclaimed best book of 2020! An NPR Best Book of the Year • A Horn Book Fanfare Selection • A Kirkus Best Book of the Year • A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year • A School Library Journal Best Book of the Year • A Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year After losing almost everything in the Great Depression, Ellie’s family is forced to leave their home in town and start over in the untamed wilderness of nearby Echo Mountain. Ellie has found a welcome freedom, and a love of the natural world, in her new life on the mountain. But there is little joy after a terrible accident leaves her father in a coma. An accident unfairly blamed on Ellie. Ellie is a girl who takes matters into her own hands, and determined to help her father she will make her way to the top of the mountain in search of the healing secrets of a woman known only as “the hag.” But the hag, and the mountain, still have many untold stories left to reveal. ISBN:9780525555582