● 本系列課程採探究式教學設計,共有四個級數,課程中引人入勝的文章,以及透過文章主題關聯的活動設計,完美整合閱讀與寫作,學習最實用。 ● 每一個單元皆由兩篇引人入勝的文章組合而成,文章以各種不同角度透視呈現學習主題,學生可藉此做為寫作的跳板。 ● 以語料庫為本的字彙設計 (Academic Word List, General Service List,Most Common English Idioms List)、確保學生學到最實用的字彙。 ● 習題整合設計幫助學生在閱讀、寫作與字彙三者之間產生交互關聯。 ● 逐步介紹各類寫作課題,包含同儕回饋,編輯以及修改,以幫助學生活用學術類文體與修辭方式。 ● 線上教師手冊包含習題解答與單元測驗。 配備:MP3、線上教師手冊、教學PPT、模擬GEPT 閱讀測驗卷 Research shows that fully integrating reading and writing results in better student performance. From Reading to Writing makes explicit connections between these skills and helps students develop them simultaneously. Students explore topics, such as using YouTube, the success of Starbucks®, and the newest generation at work, in high-interest reading and writing assignments. In addition, corpus-based vocabulary helps students understand what they read and gives them the words they need for their own writing. ISBN: 9780132474061