【被孤單囚禁,在獄中尋找自由】 住在漢考克國家監獄的 Cammie 不是罪犯,而是典獄長的女兒。她通常會跟女扒手、縱火犯一起共度女用體育場的早晨時光,而這些通常能成為 Cammie 上學時與同學們分享的勁爆話題。 雖然無罪的 Cammie 能自由進出監獄,但她的心早就被自己困住了,在她小時候母親為了保護她而意外身亡,而 Cammie 對此總是耿耿於懷,母親的缺席不只是遺憾更是她造成的錯誤。在13歲生日的前夕,她發現她最想要的生日禮物就是一個媽媽,Cammie 決定自己從監獄中尋找溫暖。 與前科累累的獄友結交,甚至視為至親,對正常人來說是荒謬而難以想像,但透過 Cammie 的雙眼能夠看見這些囚犯在罪名之下的樣貌,而她也想從這些犯人中找到與媽媽最相似的身影。可是即便 Cammie 從小就在監獄長大,犯人們仍然會因為典獄長的身分而拒絕過分親近她,典獄長會放任女兒與罪犯接觸嗎,Cammie 能成功找到填補心靈空缺的摯友嗎? Cammie O'Reilly lives at the Hancock County Prison--not as a prisoner, she's the warden's daughter. She spends the mornings hanging out with shoplifters and reformed arsonists in the women's excercise yard, which gives Cammie a certain cache with her school friends. But even though Cammie's free to leave the prison, she's still stuck. And sad, and really mad. Her mother died saving her from harm when she was just a baby. You wouldn't think you could miss something you never had, but on the eve of her thirteenth birthday, the thing Cammie most wants is a mom. A prison might not be the best place to search for a mother, but Cammie is determined and she's willing to work with what she's got. ISBN: 9780375832024