【盤根錯節的真相,別有洞天的黑色幽默】 Stanley 是一個十三歲的少年,由於被誤以為偷了同學的鞋子,而被送到綠湖營中心進行「管訓」。「管訓」的內容不外乎就是在乾涸的湖床上挖出一個又一個的洞。原先這個管訓的目的是要幫助「重建青少年的人格」,隨著故事的進行,Stanley卻挖出一個又一個被埋藏的秘密,而這些秘密與他的家族過往有關,包括他曾曾祖父所受到的詛咒…… 整本小說充滿冒險與秘密,過往與現在交纏,情節轉折出乎意料,精采不已,廣受青少年讀者歡迎。 Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment—and redemption. ISBN: 9780440414803