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Swim in a Pond in the Rain 俄國短篇小說故事文學評論 George Saunders 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Swim in a Pond in the Rain 俄國短篇小說故事文學評論 George Saunders 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)


Swim in a Pond in the Rain: In Which Four Russians Give a Master Class on Writing, Reading, and Life 由首部長篇小說 Lincoln in the Bardo《林肯在中陰》即獲曼布克文學獎肯定的 George Saunders,除了作家的身分以外,平常是一位於倫敦雪城大學教授俄羅斯短篇故事的老師,Swim in a Pond in the Rain 此書便是集結其授課內容與學生們的討論整理成冊,書中的七篇隨筆與契訶夫、屠格涅夫、 托爾斯泰以及果戈里的代表性短篇小說相結合,推薦給對小說創作有興趣、欲了解於動盪年代下的作品為何歷久不衰、喜歡俄羅斯文學的讀者們。 For the last twenty years, George Saunders has been teaching a class on the Russian short story to his MFA students at Syracuse University. In A Swim in a Pond in the Rain, he shares a version of that class with us, offering some of what he and his students have discovered together over the years. Paired with iconic short stories by Chekhov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, and Gogol, the seven essays in this book are intended for anyone interested in how fiction works and why it’s more relevant than ever in these turbulent times. In his introduction, Saunders writes, “We’re going to enter seven fastidiously constructed scale models of the world, made for a specific purpose that our time maybe doesn’t fully endorse but that these writers accepted implicitly as the aim of art—namely, to ask the big questions, questions like, How are we supposed to be living down here? What were we put here to accomplish? What should we value? What is truth, anyway, and how might we recognize it?” He approaches the stories technically yet accessibly, and through them explains how narrative functions; why we stay immersed in a story and why we resist it; and the bedrock virtues a writer must foster. The process of writing, Saunders reminds us, is a technical craft, but also a way of training oneself to see the world with new openness and curiosity. ISBN: 9781984856029







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