My Friends Make Me Happy! Picture Book 如何讓羊咩咩笑一個(搞笑英文繪本) 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
Can you guess what makes Sheep really happy? Here's a clue . . . it starts with the letter F. It is NOT fish or fans. And it is especially not turnips! That doesn't even start with the letter F! Featuring Jan Thomas's wonderfully wacky humor, rowdy repetitions, and hilarious characters, this book is sure to have young readers laughing out loud! 天兵動物團成員羊咩咩想讓大家猜猜什麼可以讓他開心,提出一個字母 F 開頭的線索,讓大家猜想,但走鐘歪樓的猜字過程讓羊咩咩快笑不出來了。 閱讀特色:以簡單的句型組成不簡單的故事,意想不到的劇情堆疊出會心一笑的閱讀時光,適合小兒獨立閱讀也適合英文老師課堂氣氛營造分享 • Language : English • Hardcover : 48 p • ISBN-10 : 0544966554 • ISBN-13 : 978-0544966550 • Reading age : 4 - 7 years • Dimensions : 16.51 x 0.92 x 22.86 cm