Dinosaurs Don't Have Bedtimes!書林平民繪本專賣店 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
【暴衝恐龍不睡覺】 "該吃飯囉!" "恐龍才不乖乖吃飯呢!" "該刷牙囉!" "恐龍才不乖乖刷牙呢!!" 你的孩子常常找一堆莫名其妙的藉口拒絕聽話嗎?或許他們正在發揮他們的想像力,創造另一個奇妙的世界!繪本主角Mo是一個熱愛恐龍的小男孩,他不僅無時無刻都拿著恐龍玩具在手裡把玩,還化身成恐龍,把自己活成史前巨獸! 一起看Mo的媽媽要如何與小怪獸相處、引導、說服他不用乖乖但只要「像恐龍那樣」吃飯、洗澡、刷牙、睡覺... 作者Timothy Knapman除童書外,對劇本、音樂劇...等等亦多有涉獵,並時常親自到學小和學童互動,因此更能以生動的故事來描寫孩子的內心世界。而繪者Nikii Dyson以調皮可愛的插畫更為本書增添了活潑的氣氛,尤其是頑皮的恐龍就像一個活力四射的孩子在繪者筆下活靈活現。 #想知道如何對付孩子的想像力嗎 #到底怎麼說服小恐龍睡覺呢 A mom indulges her son’s fantasy play while gently steering him toward bedtime in a raucous ode to imagination. “Dinnertime!” calls Mommy. Well, dinosaurs don’t have dinnertimes! They eat whatever they like (gobble, crunch!), make a dreadful mess, and hate to take baths and wear pajamas (where would their tails go?). Dinosaurs are much too big to play nicely—they rampage and stomp around and knock things down! But maybe they’d listen to a bedtime story, if it’s ROARY. . . . With exuberant illustrations merging bedtime routines with a little boy’s fantasy world—and showing Mom’s role in both—this ode to dinosaurs, wild imaginations, and cleverly won bedtime snuggles is sure to get roars of approval from kids and parents alike. ISBN 9781406372199 書號 20222055