很久很久以前,在一個遙遠的王國裡,有一個王子......等等,你已經睡著了嗎? 快醒醒!這個故事和你想的不一樣! ˊ這個王子有著和所有童話故事裡的王子該有的特色,金髮,帥氣,溫柔,他的爸媽也和所有童話故事裡的國王皇后一樣,為兒子的未來感到擔憂,急著幫他尋找完美的另一半一起治理國家...你又快要睡著了嗎?再給我醒醒! 於是王子和他的雙親展開了相親大地遊戲,第一關是鄰國A黑頭髮的公主,第二關來到鄰國B褐色皮膚的公主,接下來還有鄰國C捲髮的公主、鄰國D金髮戴高帽的公主,雖然各式各樣的公主都因為他英俊的臉被帥得不要不要的,但卻沒有一個公主是他真心喜歡並想共度一生的。就在王子一家人還沉浸在選后未果的低迷氣氛,卻傳出有一隻惡龍在城市裡作惡,讓市民們紛紛驚慌躲避,王子一聽到這個消息便立刻策馬前往惡龍的棲息地,就在我們為主角的人身安全感到擔心、深怕童話故事的主角沒談到戀愛就要領便當之時,一個身穿閃亮盔甲、身騎白馬的騎士突然出現......他會是拯救王子、並解開所有疑惑的答案嗎? 王子一定要和公主在一起嗎?如果你問一個孩子,相信會得到各種不同的答案,但如果你問一個大人,這個答案就突然變成了是非題。作者Daniel Haack透過孩子的眼睛和觀點,以平實的語氣述說這個故事,比大人更加雪亮也更加誠實,因為兩顆心只要心心相映,只要眼裡浮現的只有彼此,他們就是相愛的。 只要有愛,王子和騎士,為什麼不可以? #王子不一定要配公主 #彩虹王子與騎士 In this modern fairy tale, a noble prince and a brave knight come together to defeat a terrible monster and in the process find true love in a most unexpected place. "Thank you," he told his parents. "I appreciate that you tried, but I'm looking for something special in a partner by my side." Once upon a time, in a kingdom far from here, there was a prince in line to take the throne, so his parents set out to find him a kind and worthy bride. The three of them traveled the land far and wide, but the prince didn't quite find what he was looking for in the princesses they met. While they were away, a terrible dragon threatened their land, and all the soldiers fled. The prince rushed back to save his kingdom from the perilous beast and was met by a brave knight in a suit of brightly shining armor. Together they fought the dragon and discovered that special something the prince was looking for all along. This book is published in partnership with GLAAD to accelerate LGBTQ inclusivity and acceptance. ISBN 9781338564648 書號 20245948