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Advanced Conference English, 2/e 高階會議英文第二版 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

Advanced Conference English, 2/e 高階會議英文第二版 規格

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Advanced Conference English, 2/e 高階會議英文第二版 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)

Advanced Conference English, 2/e 高階會議英文第二版 描述

Conferences have become one of the most effectiveways to generate and disseminate knowledge on important issues. This booktouches on all aspects of a conference, so readers can become more familiarwith the specific vocabulary and phrases used in an English conference. The author of the book served as the first WTOambassador of Taiwan from 2002 to 2005. Throughout the book, readers willbecome equipped with knowledge of how to function in different roles forbusiness, political, or academic conferences. The second edition contains more usefulphrases—as well as new examples of speeches and dialogues to better preparereaders for international conferences. There are also two new sections in thisedition; giving readers a more profound view of the expressions used inspeeches. 本書分六章,各章二至六個小節,按部就班介紹各種會議場景,模擬一場高級的政經或學術研討會議的不同情境,並提供實用句型幫助讀者在會議中得體發言。是英文流利者想更進一步的利器,也是商業人士快速擬定演講稿、公開簡報不可或缺的工具。 第二版擴增了詞彙句型,以及更豐富的同義、近義片語參考,讓讀者使用上能事半功倍。另外新增兩小節的內容,補充讀者對於會議及其文化底蘊的深厚了解。

Advanced Conference English, 2/e 高階會議英文第二版 商品選項

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