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Minecraft: The Lost Journals 青少年英文小說 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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Minecraft: The Lost Journals 青少年英文小說 描述

【探索麥塊-終末之界保衛戰】 自從有記憶以來,終界使者 Fin 與 Mo 雙胞胎倆就一直住在終末之界。他們會在終界使者們居住的 Telos 城外圍冒險,在巨大的終界之龍的眼皮底下探索古遺跡。Fin 與 Mo 原以為他們足夠了解世界, 直到有陌生的入侵者從另一個維度穿越過來。 這群入侵者被稱為人類,他們的目的明確-竊取資源並屠殺終界之龍。當 Fin 與 Mo 準備為保護家原而與這些穿越者一決死戰,但直到他們親身與人類面對面,才發現人類的武裝超越他們的想像。被人類俘虜後的 Fin 與 Mo 即將夾在人類與終界使者之間一觸即發的戰爭,他們家園的未來危在旦夕。 由風靡全球的沙盒類冒險養成遊戲「麥塊」所推出的官方小說系列,邀請讀者們一同進入數位位元所組成的方塊世界,挑戰未知冒險與驚險求生。 For as long as they can remember, the twin endermen Fin and Mo have lived in the mysterious land of the End. On the outskirts of the great enderman city of Telos, they explore ancient ruins under the watchful gaze of the mighty ender dragon. They have everything they need in the end ship they call home, and know everything there is to know about their world--or so they think until the strangers from another dimension arrive. The invaders are called humans, and they've come to steal artifacts and slay the ender dragon. Fin and Mo are ready to protect their home from the trespassers, but when they come face-to-face with the humans, they discover that they aren't as prepared for battle as they'd thought. Caught off guard, the twins are trapped in the middle of a war between the endermen and the humans, with the future of their home at stake. ISBN: 9780593156780 書號 20256692

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