When You Trap a Tiger 遇見虎靈的女孩 2021紐伯瑞金獎小說 歷史價格(單位:新台幣)
栩栩如生來自的韓國的民間傳說,牽引出一場勇氣與希望的追尋 沉靜寡言的少女莉莉和家人一起搬去和生病的韓籍祖母同住,神秘的信仰讓莉莉的祖母獨特又有距離感,莉莉在此行中發現自己有特殊的超能力,她能看到家人所看不見的老虎,當古老的虎靈傳說走入現實,莉莉在守護家人的過程中發現家族成員各自的祕密與傷痛的過去,而這些即將被揭示。 擁有四分之一韓國血統的作者把自己的心靈追尋投影入故事,她認為只有將那些封存在記憶與看似遺忘卻說不出口的秘密,透過體諒將壓力釋放,才有可能真正開放的認識自己。 A hopeful, heartwarming story of a girl discovering her family's past and present when she makes a deal with a magical tiger from her grandmother's stories, the Korean version of "Once upon a time . . ." Some stories refuse to stay bottled up... When Lily and her family move in with her sick grandmother, a magical tiger straight out of her halmoni's Korean folktales arrives. The tiger offers Lily a deal: if Lily will open her grandmother's star jars and return what she stole, the tiger will heal her grandmother. But deals with tigers are never what they seem! With the help of her sister and her new friend Ricky, Lily must find her voice . . . and the courage to face a tiger. Tae Keller, the award-winning author of The Science of Breakable Things, shares a sparkling tale about the power of stories and the magic of family. Think Walk Two Moons meets Where the Mountain Meets the Moon! ISBN 9780593175347