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The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 青少年英文小說 John Boyne 價格比較,價格查詢,價格歷史信息

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The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas 青少年英文小說 John Boyne 描述

"The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" by John Boyne Bruno是一位9歲的柏林男孩,因爸爸工作的關係與家人一起搬至遙遠的鄉間(其實就是奧斯威辛集中營),擔任德國軍官的父親在進行慘無人道的工作時,無法對天真的Bruno說實情。因此Bruno就帶著自己童稚無知的眼光探索集中營(他原本也不理解集中營的意思)外圍的世界,有一天他看到圍欄另一邊的另一個男孩,與他同年同月同日生,但身為猶太人命運大不同。逐漸理解自己身處世界的邪惡後,Bruno滿懷疑問不解,但仍換上條紋衣,帶著贖罪與善良的心進到集中營幫尋找失蹤父親,故事邁向高潮。儘管本書相對史實仍是太過優雅,但仍引領讀者意欲探索更多種族不公義的階級問題;不人道的人吃人世界。這是段骯髒幽暗但仍需挖掘的黑暗歷史,身為人類皆不可忘記,也或許我們從來不曾遠離。 Lines may divide us, but hope will unite us ...Nine-year-old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country. All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas. Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him from innocence to revelation. And in exploring what he is unwittingly a part of, he will inevitably become subsumed by the terrible process. ISBN: 9781862305274

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