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Barron's Shakespeare Made Easy: A Midsummer Night's Dream 描述

《仲夏夜之夢》是莎士比亞一篇輕鬆幽默的作品,這齣戲劇在短短的時間內翻轉了讀者或觀眾所在的時空,就像變魔術一樣,把觀眾帶進另外一個世界。作品中的主各有特色,也都動人心弦。達米德與賴生德在世俗眼光中本應該是堅強獨立的男子漢,然而戲劇中卻不吝於展現他們真實率真的情緒。當達米被海米雅狠狠拒絕時,甚至勇敢喊出自己的心被刺穿了。海米雅與海倫看似柔弱的女子,但為了追求心目中理想的愛情,卻不顧一切的奔跑,她們的姿態又豈像是被動內向的纖纖弱女子。這種真實與細膩,是莎士比亞令人著迷四百年的祕密──正因為出其不意,所以充滿魅力。或許當讀者遇到挫折或難過的事時,也可以先別急著怨天怨地。那說不定是莎士比亞創造的仙子正在跟人開玩笑,為了讓生活有奇妙的轉變。 Here are the books that help teach Shakespeare plays without the teacher constantly needing to explain and define Elizabethan terms, slang, and other ways of expression that are different from our own. Each play is presented with Shakespeare's original lines on each left-hand page, and a modern, easy-to-understand "translation" on the facing right-hand page. All dramas are complete, with every original Shakespearian line, and a full-length modern rendition of the text. These invaluable teaching-study guides also include: 1. Helpful background information that puts each play in its historical perspective. 2. Discussion questions that teachers can use to spark student class participation, and which students can use as springboards for their own themes and term papers. 3. Fact quizzes, sample examinations, and other features that improve student comprehension of what each play is about. ISBN 0812035844 書號 00182591

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